There are a few different scenarios where a worker may experience a delayed or missing disbursement.
Incorrect Worker ID Matched to the Disbursement File
- If an incorrect worker ID is paired to a roster entry this can result in disbursements failing or being placed in an incorrect worker's account. We recommend checking for any failed disbursements in Pay Admin to ensure that this isn't the case.
Worker Does Not Have an Active Wallet
- If the worker does not yet have their Wallet set up they will not be able to receive payments. Please check the worker roster in Pay Admin to confirm if the status next to their name is showing as green "Active." This indicates that they are enrolled and have a Wallet created.
Disbursement Contains a Duplicate Transaction ID
- Each disbursement needs to have a unique transaction ID. Check the disbursement file that was submitted to confirm that the missing or failed disbursement had a unique transaction ID.